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Our Classes 



The following Classes are 45 mins long (unless stated otherwise) and take place via Zoom.

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For Community Classes see Timetable and Locations below.

Heart Health every Tue and Thu at 10.30am

Combines simple and fun aerobic moves to help improve heart and lung efficiency, with muscular strength and endurance, stretch and stability exercises: The Full Monty (no floor work involved). Lots of modifications allowing you to work within your own needs and abilities. This is perfect if you are continuing from a NHS rehabilitation Phase 3 / Phase 4 programmes.

Power Up every Tue at 11.30am

As the name implies, a more challenging workout for those who have been exercising regularly and wish to push themselves a little harder in a controlled and safe environment.

Seated Classes, Stretch & Flexibility also Available

One to One Personal Training Sessions 

These are available on request, via Zoom, throughout the week.

This is £10.00 per session, payable minimum of a 6 week block.

Heart Health & Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation 

Every Tuesday at 2-4.30pm, for programme details see section below.


  • £20.00 per person, per month, for any one class per week

  • £35.00 per person, per month, for unlimited classes each week


Payments are made via by bank transfer or cheque - we will provide you with our details


Our One to One Personal Training Sessions are £10.00 per session, payable minimum of a 6 week block

Community Classes


10.30am to 11.30am

South Newton Village Hall

Warminster Road




1.30pm to 2.30pm

at Wyndham Hall Church Street





4pm to 5pm

Codford Village Hall

Warminster Road




11am to 12pm

Shaftsbury Youth Club

Coppice Street



All the above classes are circuit based allowing you to exercise at your own pace and ability

Classes are £10 per session, per person or £16 per couple, per session. PRE BOOKING ESSENTIAL.


Happy Hearts DVD

Proving more popular than ever during Covid Lockdown!


Our professionally produced DVD is perfect for those finishing a NHS Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme or cannot commit to regular classes


  • 1 hour step by step fitness class

  • 3 levels of demonstration, by 3 instructors


£10.00 members price | £20.00 non members price

Heart Health & Cardiac Phase III Rehabilitation

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If you have recently had a Cardiac event such as a heart attack, angioplasty or bypass you will benefit from this Heart Health & Cardiac Rehabilitation programme.


This 4 week programme is provided by a multi disciplinary team of health professionals, including medical clinicians, nurse, (BACPR) cardiac exercise practitioner, BHF volunteer speakers and an emotional support network of members who are or have been in your position.


Cardiac rehabilitation usually starts 2-6 weeks after leaving hospital and following the last outpatient's appointment and discharge.


Our Heart Health programme  provides all the help you need to return to a full a life as possible and support you to live with your heart condition, stay fit and healthy and greatly reduce the chance of another heart event.


The programme will cover such topics as:


  • Procedures and medications.

  • Risk factors.

  • Stress and coping mechanisms.

  • The importance of a regular safe exercise programme.


By participating in this programme, you can be reassured you will return to a healthy lifestyle.

No long waiting lists.


The next programme commences in August 2025 dates to be confirmed and will be held at:

South Newton Village Hall Warminster Road Salisbury SP2 0PJ.

From 2 to 4.30pm.



How to Book

For all information about classes, to BOOK a session or buy our DVD, please call or email us directly:


Salli -   07969 909 162  |​

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Alternatively, you can make an enquiry about a class, course or product by filling in our contact form below:

What are you interested in?

Thanks for submitting!

Book and Buy
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